Biography of the NAMING ARTIST

40 years of continuous research on Eastern philosophy
  • Graduated from Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Graduate of Industrial Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • Industrial Engineering Engineer, General Motor Corporation, USA
  • Director of Industrial Engineering, Samsung Electronics Co.
  • Malaysia Laserchem Sdn Bhd. CEO
  • British Embassy Commercial Section
  • Simultaneous interpreter
  • Translator
  • Head of Technology
  • Director of the Good Name Institute

Introduction to the Naming Artist

Deep life wisdom gained through expertise and experience, an advisor to share with clients

Born in a Buddhist family and connected to Eastern philosophy
I grew up in a Buddhist family from a young age, and since middle school, I have learned Eastern philosophy from my grandfather, building philosophical thinking and wisdom of life. This has become the foundation of my life and a driving force for continuous learning and growth.
Logical thinking and leadership developed through a major in chemical engineering and experience as an army officer
In college, I majored in chemical engineering, enhancing my logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Also, through ROTC, I was commissioned as an army officer, cultivating leadership and responsibility. These experiences greatly helped me build a successful career as an engineer and manager.
Successful career in the U.S. as an engineer and manager
Through studies in the U.S., I earned a master’s degree in industrial engineering and worked as an engineer to develop expertise. Later, I was scouted as an executive for Samsung Electronics and returned to Korea, where I also demonstrated outstanding capabilities in management. Additionally, as the CEO of an electronic components company in Malaysia, I managed the business by building relationships with many people.
Ongoing study of Eastern philosophy for 60 years
While actively working as an engineer and manager, I never stopped studying Eastern philosophy. In 2003, I became an academic member of the Korean Association of Yeokri Studies, building expertise in the I Ching, Chinese astrology, Four Pillars of Destiny, name analysis, and physiognomy.
Genuine communication and responsible advice with customers
To me, customers are not just customers but like family. I genuinely empathize with their life and concerns and provide responsible advice. I do my best in all consultations and naming, striving to have a positive impact on their lives.
Continuously learning and growing, sharing the wisdom of life
I want to continue learning, growing, and sharing the wisdom of life I have accumulated with my customers. I will do my best to be a helpful advisor and a strong supporter in their lives.
Thank you.

April 11, 2024
Good Namings Reserch Institute
仙鶴(SeonHark) 崔學(ChoiHark)

Choi Hak's Oath

We will prioritize the happiness of our clients by choosing a good name and a good date.
Counseling with clients’ pain and happiness
I will transcend all norms, whether they be ideological, religious, or otherwise, and share in the pain and happiness of my clients. We understand and empathize with your position and challenges, and will do our best to provide genuine and helpful counseling.


Absolute confidentiality
I will keep your identity and information absolutely confidential. We respect your trust, and we’re committed to protecting your privacy so that you can talk to us safely.


Counseling that follows the will of God and the laws of nature
By the will of the heavens and the laws of nature, we will give you the right advice. We will remain objective and neutral, and will conduct the consultation in an ethically responsible manner.


Solemn oaths
I do solemnly swear to the above. We will be the best we can be to make a positive impact on the lives of our clients.


Thank you.

Academic and Society Memberships

I am an academic member of the Korean Academy of Sciences and a member of the Korean Academy of Sciences.

Certificate of Academic Membership of the Korean Society of Epidemiology

Korean Society of Epidemiology Certification